10 Best Cards To Build A Ghost Deck In Marvel Snap


The new Marvel Snap card Ghost goes well with these cards.

Timing is an important part of the puzzle you have to think about as you plan your next move in Marvel Snap to beat your opponent. If you are in the lead, you get to see your cards before anyone else. This can be good or bad, depending on the situation. So, before you place something, you should always think about the cards you have in your hand and what is already on the field.

With the right deck, Ghost can be useful. You can get the upper hand if you combine this card with cards that should be shown last. It is especially important in the last round, which is often the one that makes the most difference between winning and losing. No matter what you like, there are many cards that go well with Ghost to make the best deck.



To make a Ghost deck, you need to know everything about the Ghost card. Your cards are always revealed last, giving you the chance to make an effect happen or stop an effect from happening during your opponent’s turn.

Several cards can be played without risk. For your On Reveal cards, you can plan around a possible Cosmo. For your Ongoing cards, you can plan around an Enchantress. You can avoid Shang-Chi with your more powerful cards. People sometimes play him too quickly, which can work in your favor if any cards with a power of nine or higher show up when the field is safe from being destroyed.



You have to be careful with Titania because you don’t want your opponent to get a five-power card. She doesn’t cost much and has a lot of power for a card that only costs one energy. This makes her a strong play that could help you win a location.

Titania is best played when it is your last turn. On your sixth turn, use Ghost to move her to the spot you want to make sure she stays on your side of the field. She also works well with anything that fills up space quickly, so if the other player pulls out a Brood and someone else to fill the fourth slot, Titania can be played even without Ghost.



Even though Zabu was weakened soon after it came out in Marvel Snap, it is still a useful card to have, especially if you have any four-cost cards in your deck that you want to play on a location.

No matter how you build your Ghost deck, you will need some cards that cost four. Shang-Chi and Enchantress are two of the best cards that work well with Ghost to fight more powerful or Ongoing cards. Make those cheaper, and you’ll have more ways to use them to your advantage.



In Marvel Snap, where you place yourself can mean life or death. Polaris moves one card with a cost of one or two to its spot. If you place yourself well, you can stop your opponent from using a stronger card to take over that location.

If there are a lot of one- or two-cost cards, or if you want to see if any of them will be played, Ghost and Polaris are a powerful pair. You can mess up the other player’s plans by moving Ant-Man to a spot that is already taken or by taking Hood to take away a point from the other side.



You shouldn’t rely too much on cards with the ability On Reveal, but having some cards with the ability Ongoing can help. Without an Enchantress to stop him, Darkhawk can be too strong to stop.

If you need that extra power to take the lead in a location, Darkhawk’s ability to gain two power for every card in your opponent’s deck can add up to make him a very hard to stop force. Your Darkhawk will be so potent that the opposing player’s Thanos, who can add cards to the deck with his Infinity Stones, will be as effective as if he were wearing a fully powered Infinity Gauntlet.



Shang-Chi is one of the easiest cards to think of when you want to change the way things are going. Without Armor to protect them, any card with a power of nine or more will die if Shang-Chi blasts them into dust. It can be the best move for a last-turn play.

When you are ahead and can’t stop a powerful card from being played on the sixth turn. This is often a problem with Shang-Chi. Ghost lets him use his power after Hulk crashes in or Thanos uses his Infinity Stone power-up.



Even though we are talking about why you should use an Ongoing card like Ghost. We are saying that these cards can be annoying. Still, it can be frustrating to try to stop Blue Marvel and Onslaught combos or stacks like Patriot, Blue Marvel, and Ka-Zar. Enchantress is there to stop them, which is a good thing.

Cosmo blocks all On Reveal abilities, but Enchantress is pretty hard to stop. When it comes to turning off the abilities of opposing Ongoing cards. No matter what turn it is, she can be a key part of a win or make the enemy run away after their Ant-Man and Captain America team is stopped. Just make sure not to put her where Ghost is…



It’s hard to say no to cheaper cards, no matter what deck you have. Sera lowers the cost of every card in your hand by one. It’s a small change in energy, but when the game is close, you need every edge you can get.

If you can get her out of your deck early, maybe with a temporary energy boost or something similar. You can play expensive cards like your Iron Man on turn 4 to double the power of a location. She can also let you play extra one- or two-cost cards with your big-hitting card in the last round. Sera is one of those cards that can be used for a lot of different things.



Sometimes you have an idea for a strategy. But you can’t carry it out because you only have so much energy and six turns in a match. If it’s not your sixth turn, you can use Magik to turn a location into Limbo and play for a seventh turn, giving you one more chance to make a winning play. The location switch can also help if the old one is getting in the way of your plans.

Magik is a double-edged sword. She gives you more time, but your opponent can also use this to their benefit. Be careful and have a plan as strong as Thor’s muscles.



Thanos starts out strong with 11 power, but no matter where he is, he gets stronger with an extra ten. If Ghost is with him, the “On Reveal” abilities of his Infinity Stones can help him avoid certain bullets or become useful if they are used after the opponent.

The different effects of the Infinity Stones, such as Ongoing and On Reveal, give you a lot of ways to win the match. You can win Slope Game by a large amount by moving your cards to new places and changing where they are. Throw in combinations, like Cosmo protecting the Soul Stone while it takes away power from the other cards, and you have the upper hand.

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