Overwatch 2: Best Hero Combos


As a result of a large number of little changes, Overwatch 2’s gameplay differs significantly from the first. In the early stages of Overwatch 2, with its new characters, reduced team sizes, and complete reorganization of the meta, picking the right hero is more important than ever. There is less space for error now that there is one less member on each squad.

The logic behind strong hero pairings and team compositions is simple, thankfully: the heroes should have playstyles that complement one another. If there isn’t a large disparity in the two teams’ skill levels, then a pairing of Widowmaker and Winston, for example, is doomed to fail. Because Winston is at his best when he is charging headfirst into the enemy team, he is a tank. In the meantime, Widowmaker needs to keep her distance.

Soldier 76 and Ana

Many novice players will naturally go for Soldier 76 because he is one of the easiest characters to play in Overwatch 2. Thankfully, he has excellent synergy with Ana, one of the game’s most popular support heroes. The combo of Ana’s Nano Boost ultimate and Soldier 76’s Tactical Visor has been a staple of competitive play since the game’s inception, and that hasn’t changed in Overwatch 2. A good analogy would be turning on an aimbot and having it momentarily increase your damage.

Despite being one of the finest support characters in Overwatch 2, Ana’s biggest weaknesses have always been her low survivability and her inability to take on the role of primary healer. Ana’s new passive helps a little with her low durability, so that’s good. But Soldier 76’s Biotic Field completely conceals whatever defects she may have. Soldier 76 can heal Ana and off-heal the team, allowing the offensive-minded Ana to focus on her own play.

Genji and Winston

When Winston and Genji work together, chaos ensues. Let’s go into fight as a unit, deal maximum damage, and avoid getting in each other’s way. It may look like a simple pairing, but mastering it requires a high level of skill. When executed well, this collaboration can be a nightmare for the other team; yet, when executed improperly, it can lead to needless deaths and setbacks. The Genji player must be skilled at deflects and dashes if he or she is to escape the initial backlash that will occur while diving in.

Like Ana and Soldier 76, combining the ultimate abilities of Winston and Genji would be unbalanced and uncontrollable. When put together, their abilities can create a state of panic that can be leveraged to make any point. It’s fantastic versus configurations that prioritize defense and feature heroes like Widowmaker and Bastion.

Brigitte and the Junker Queen

Overwatch 2’s tank role was reimagined in part thanks to Junker Queen, who was designed with a smaller squad in mind. When it comes to dishing out and taking on suffering, she’s up there with the best heroes in the game. Without proper care, Junker Queen’s innate power may make her a real pain to live with. When playing, Brigitte is a natural choice for a companion.

The dynamic between Junker Queen and Brigitte rests on the two ladies’ passive Adrenaline Rush and Inspire talents. With her improved gear, Brigitte can protect her allies and deliver damage, and she can also make Junker Queen nearly unstoppable by standing next to her. Their combined potential for success makes Junker Queen and Brigitte an especially attractive pair for newcomers.


Overwatch is a superhero story, so it makes sense that the heroes in the advertisements tend to stare menacingly into space at something they can’t see. The graphic that appears when you first launch Overwatch 2 is a great illustration of this; it showcases a cross-section of the game’s amazingly varied cast, even if most of the characters are returning. The worst troll in the game, Tracer, uses a teleport dash to throw off the enemies’ rear guard before rewinding to safety. The game’s original mascot, Tracer. Mercy is a single-target healer who can swoop in to help allies and maneuver with stealth on a well-spaced team. In addition, Genji, as a real ninja, is a tiny, scuttling annoyance to any hero whose shots he can’t parry and terrifying when his blade is drawn.


One of the three brand new playable heroes in Overwatch 2 at launch, Sojourn, is leading the charge. Being a Damage hero, she is quick on her feet and enjoys combining several techniques into one seamless flow, such as transforming the energy from her rifle shots into power for her auxiliary railgun. The Tank is the only type of hero not depicted. But I think that’s Winston’s elbow down there on the bottom right. Huge and good-natured, Winston’s plan is to bellyflop the enemy, set up a forcefield, and envelop the area with a soothing cloud of electricity to neutralize any hostile forces. Five of the running cast’s thirty-five characters stand out for their unique qualities and share an obsession with the upper left corner of the display.

I can’t imagine who or what they’d be staring at. If this were a poster for a Marvel film, we’d see either a familiar bad guy or the concept of Hope. Overwatch’s “rescue the world” premise boils down to massacring everyone, regardless of narrative affiliation, for control of static or moving objectives, therefore they are probably the opposing team. Overwatch’s primary appeal has never been about winning, but rather about trying out different combinations of heroes, and this mode offers some entertaining possibilities. The delighted grimace of Tracer is on the face of the player who just uncovered the enemy team’s Torbjörn sneaking out to set up a turret. It appears that Mercy is one second away from recognizing that she has forgotten her tank escort and two seconds away from being sniped by her opponent Hanzo.


Overwatch 2’s potential after a year or more of patches, however, may be on their minds. The goal of making Overwatch free to play is to ensure the survival of the game’s competitive player base until 2023. As of right now, Overwatch 2 is more of a promotional stunt than a proper sequel.

All of the original heroes have been modified in some way, with the exception of Orisa and Doomfist. In Push, an updated version of the escort mode, you’ll have to keep an eye on a robot as it accelerates. The game’s structure has also been updated to accommodate a maximum of five players per squad, among other modifications. Also, each team can only have one Tank. Blizzard also improved the visuals, though it is difficult to notice without comparing the two games side by side. Unfortunately, this is now impossible due to Blizzard’s decision to shut down the original Overwatch. In light of this, it’s possible to comprehend the ferocious DDOS attacks that aided in the worst online launch in recent history.


Overwatch 2’s new Battle Pass monetization mechanism has sparked the most debate.

While this has understandably irritated returning gamers, it’s not particularly irritating by freemium standards. It’s a classic case of damning with faint praise, I know. What you’ll end up with is mostly extras that you can go without. Furthermore, the uneven playing field of Overwatch’s competitive play makes it less likely that VIP Pass holders will have a discernible advantage over one another. Despite the fact that the challenges are essentially anti-teamplay because they encourage you to play Support no matter the situation, I’ve found that they are a delightful, light-touch way of influencing the PvP community, luring you into underrated characters or modes.

Without a doubt, it is challenging to consistently produce a new hero without incurring significant costs. Varying degrees of efficiency can be expected. To keep up with the action in the first season, however, you’ll likely need to play every day. It’s easy to see how gamers could give up and pay for premium if they were only a few levels short with one day to go. More than that, there is the well-known F2P ennui caused by constant sales pitches, no matter how tasteful. Every hero’s distinctive walking sound causes you to tense up even before you see them. That’s just one way Overwatch’s always been great at gently influencing how players act.


Despite the originality of the new heroes, they have not yet shown to be worth the time or money required to obtain them. The problem is that they typically copy the most interesting aspects of well-known figures. They don’t just fill in the blanks in the standard repertory, but instead provide entirely new forms. If you’re a jaded veteran, you won’t find much to impress you here. Newcomers to the series won’t be overwhelmed by the present cast. The majority of the new heroes are aimed towards experienced gamers.

Sojourn, the no-nonsense rifleman, is the simplest to pick up. You can help the match by firing shots in the direction of the payload. Taking your time to master the nuances involved in switching from a rifle to a railgun, or from sliding to jumping. The Aussie tank Junker Queen can yell at her teammates to give them a bonus. who stays alive with constant close-range strikes rather than using a shield is the most challenging to deal with. Like Thor, she can fling her blade and capture her target in midair on the way back. But, she can only be fully effective if she gets in close and has the Damage heroes protect her approach.

There may only be one tank on each team in a competitive match. There is no denying the gravity of this dependence. In spite of the fact that my chances of becoming Junker Queen are astronomically low. This new regulation seems like a sensible, if unremarkable, change to me. It eschews the standard practice of fielding only two or three tanks. Using numbers to your advantage while showcasing your skills as a tank player and your hero picks.


New players may find it difficult to control a combat medic named Kiriko who also wields a kunai. Because of her agility, she can climb barriers and pass through them to reach her friends. To put it another way, she can now shadow a faster Damage hero while another healer assists your tank. It takes steely nerves, though, to play her aggressively. Stay in the center and use the kunai to fend off attackers. Due to the kunai’s sluggish speed, you’ll be relied upon to lead flanking attacks.

Kiriko will be given the best Ultimate of the three newbies unless her flaws are particularly glaring. And which, if fully charged, may alter the course of history. Her Kitsune Rush serves as a directional boost, pointing players in the direction of the objective like a holographic Power-Up tunnel. As a comparison, Junker Queen’s Ultimate is a boring galloping windmill strike. As for Sojourn, she only has a few seconds of uninterrupted shooting time.


As three or four Ultimates launch at once, the orchestral music boosts your heart rate and you try to figure out which characters you can beat. One of the highest points in Overwatch is when you make a desperate attempt to win the game. The lower crowd size doesn’t matter in these high-pressure situations. Nonetheless, it does soften the blow towards the middle of the game. Surgical proficiency makes it easier to disperse groups. However, you can deviate from the path a little bit without drawing the ire of Sombra.

When compared to other shooters at the time and to earlier Blizzard works, Sombra, released in 2016, stood out for its welcoming and diverse character designs. That, in my opinion, has had a positive and lasting impact on the often-hostile environment of the online multiplayer gaming community. You need only consider the abundance of fan fiction, cosplay, webcomics, and memes to realize this. Cast members might examine how well developed personality qualities suggested by dialogue actually are. Pharah and Mercy are the power couple, Soldier 76 is a tired dad, and Reaper needs a cuddle.

New selection

An underlying issue is revealed by the fact that Overwatch 2’s third Japanese hero is yet another ninja or samurai knockoff. Where poking fun at cliches becomes an endorsement of prejudice. In light of last year’s disclosures about a toxic “fratboy” culture at Blizzard, though, these overtures ring pretty hollow. Another instance of this is the creation of character skins. For instance, Pharaoh of Egypt painted a Native American woman to make a late reference to her history.

Of course, art is not life, and your characters can be 100% realistic and still be fictional. In the event that the corporation responsible for their creation protects abusers. Even if they are completely correct, it makes no difference. In a video game, though, this constant bias toward generalization becomes more obvious. When it happens, the idea that “everyone can be a hero” emerges.


In the end, Overwatch is more interesting as a carnival mirror for gaming’s continuing culture problems than the eternally sought-after Progressive Blockbuster. More specifically, its career as an esports experience is remarkable. See the evolution of Mercy through the years. Even the Final Resurrection of her people was mocked by some. Assumed by some to imply that female players were “stealing” male players’ skills at Geometry Dash.

Despite the game’s initial success, I think Overwatch 2’s representational politics will continue to have hiccups from time to time. The more important query is where it is stumbling. I don’t know anything about the planned co-op modes from Blizzard. Whenever Overwatch has dabbled in PvE, it’s always felt like a light diversion at best. Even while it’s not as good as Smash Bros. or Team Fortress in terms of multiplayer, the PvP is still fantastic. The ever-increasing difficulty gives the sensation that you are constantly on the point of dying. I’d rather play a sequel that takes the approach of Street Fighter IV and either entirely reinvents the game or drastically alters the formula. At the moment, Overwatch 2 seems like it’s just another service game with endless unlocks.

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