Problems to avoid with ID cards

Problems to avoid with ID cards

Many countries have an identification system that matches every citizen with a unique ID card. These ID cards show a picture of the bearer, and usually, they also provide an identification number or code. Private and public companies also give an ID card to their employees to maximize security schemes.

In the context of gun control, immigration policies and healthcare ID cards are very popular. People are mostly in favor of having and demanding personal cards to the individuals that want to have specific benefits. Some people accept ID cards and use them as part of their security systems or even part of their culture.

There are, however, specific issues that arise with the topic of ID cards. These problems are mainly associated with national ID cards and their use:

Topic 1: ID cards do not prevent crime, so keep your eyes open

Some people think that by making employees and citizens wear ID cards, the problem is solved. This is not the case. Crime can be reduced only if a security system is set and put into action. ID cards can be part of that system, but they won’t solve the problem like magic. Employees have to wear their ID cards on lanyards, and this is going to be helpful, but it is not the only security step.

Topic 2: what happens with privacy?

Many people are scared of the scope ID cards can have. A lot of information can be saved in magnetic cards, barcodes, and QR codes and for some, this poses a threat. Information is always a valuable asset, and without the proper security structure, it can be stolen. This is a true and understandable fear that has to be overcome by a well-protected database.

Topic 3: Visibility and traceability

Another usual concern with many different types of ID cards is traceability. Depending on the type of card it will be possible to know where this person has been. It will also be possible to know what were the last doors opened, or where was the ID card scanned the last time. If you work for a private company that holds many valuable assets it is completely reasonable to track your steps. The concern topic arises from those moments that are not necessary to track, but the system still does. 

Topic 4: Expenses versus budget

Creating ID cards can be expensive if the right company is not hired. There are many options online and abroad to make ID cards. Choosing the one that offers the best quality and price relation is very important. Whether it is a company, a university or the government of a nation that is looking for an ID card system to be created.

Besides these issues, there are also some other guidelines to take into account:

*ID cards are nontransferable

This means that your ID card cannot be given to anybody else. In most of the cases, using somebody else’s ID card is penalized somehow. It may be a fine, or it may be the confiscation of the ID card.

*Tampering with ID cards is prohibited

Making color copies, punching holes and other modifications can damage the card. It can also interfere with the electronic of magnetic functions of the card if any. 

*ID cards expire

Most ID cards have an expiration date. This date can be linked to a specific period from issuing date. It is also possible to renew most of the cards: student, employee or national. When it is time to renew the card, there may be new requirements to be fulfilled. 

Alternatives to ID cards

Many different institutions have wondered if there is an alternative to issuing ID cards for each one of their members. There are nowadays biometric systems of facial recognition that could put an end to the plastic ID card as a method of identification. The problem lies in the kind of technology that is necessary for such a system. Another alternative is to use any other kind of document that the person already possesses, such as passports, social security numbers, driver’s license or similar. These identity papers are already there in case the implementation of ID cards happens to be difficult.

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